Originally posted: OCT 31, 2012

When Ayele Weldeyohanis and Haimanot Eniyew moved to Washington, D.C. from Ethiopia, they were ready for a stable, secure home but faced challenges acquiring one. Their family, which including their daughter Bamlak, 8, and son Nathaniel, 2, had outgrown their one bedroom apartment. The cashier at Gab & Sunny and his wife, a home health care technician with Berhan Home Health Care Agency, decided to meet with DC Habitat and learn more about their options. When Ms. Eniyew met with our Homebuyer Services Manager, Annah Walters, she learned that owning a home was finally available and affordable for them. In January 2011, they were approved to become homeowners to a 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom rehabilitated home in Ivy City.
During the time spent completing their sweat equity hours, the couple embraced the duties with warm hearts and an excellent work ethic. Haimanot was regularly seen with her big, beautiful smile and inquired to know what DC Habitat would be doing next for other families. Ayele always came prepared to work and ready to fulfill whatever task needed to be done.
The family’s kindness was shown again during their home dedication this past June, as they welcomed guests into their newly decorated and furnished home. “The best thing is having my own house now, I don’t worry about anything. Now everyone has their own room. This was a big step,” Haimanot excitedly expressed. She is thrilled that her children now have a backyard in which to play, complete with a pool to swim in during the long, hot summer days in the District.